Get Help Now

If you or somebody you know is going through a crisis or transition in life and looking for help, please contact us using the directory below. At Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, we stabilize lives, build foundations for you to thrive, and preserve dignity and respect.

Family Resource Centers

Our Family Resource Centers offer a wealth of support for parents and families, including Child & Parent workshops, resource referral, SNAP and AHCCCS enrollment, developmental screenings, parenting coaching and education, and much more!

For a list of upcoming Child & Parent workshops, check out our Facebook page.

To schedule an appointment with your local Family Resource Center, contact them below.

Phoenix Family Resource Center

Solano Elementary School, 1526 W. Missouri Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015 or 602-501-8840

West Mesa Family Resource Center
First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 142 North Date Street Mesa, AZ 85201 or 480-489-5772

East Mesa Family Resource Center
Our Savior Lutheran Church, 612 S. Ellsworth, Mesa, AZ 85208 or 480-489-5773

Foster Care Services

Are you ready to open your home to a child as a foster parent? Learn more about how to get started.

For more information, statewide:  or call (480) 396-3795 ext. 1305

Food Pantries and SNAP enrollment

Are you hungry? LSS-SW has two food pantry locations in Mesa. All that is needed is a photo ID. 

First Evangelical Lutheran Church Food Pantry
142 N. Date, Mesa, AZ 85201
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am - 11:15 am
(except the 2nd Tuesday of the month)
2nd Wednesday of the month, 5pm – 7pm

Victory Lutheran Church Food Pantry
5946 E. University Drive
Mesa, AZ 85205
Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:00am -11:30 am

Need help enrolling in SNAP or AHCCCS? Schedule an appointment with our trained staff for assistance completing SNAP and AHCCCS enrollment in the privacy and convenience of our Family Resource Centers. Below are the hours and locations – an appointment is strongly encouraged. Schedule your appointment by calling (480) 489-5772

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
1500 W. Maryland Ave.  Phoenix, AZ 85015
Wednesdays and Fridays,  9:00am – 5:00pm

Home Care, Meals on Wheels, and Shopping Services

Are you looking for quality, compassionate home care or meal delivery? Call today for your free assessment: 

Tucson Home Care: Call 520-514-7642
Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties Home Care: Call 1-844-644-3351
Pima County Meals on Wheels and Shopping Services: Call 520-748-2300 ext. 2303

Immigration Services

Are you a refugee or asylee in need of legal immigration assistance, such as naturalization, status adjustment, family reunification, document replacement, or travel document preparation?

In Phoenix, call: 480-396-3795
In Tucson, call: 520-721-4444

Rent and Utility Assistance

Are you looking for financial assistance with rent or utilities?

A limited amount of financial assistance is available each month. Eligibility and availability are based upon a variety of factors. Please call 480-654-4539 for more information.