Make a difference with your congregation
There are many ways to do social ministry. Here are four opportunities to make a difference with your congregation for refugees and immigrants, families in foster care, older adults, and people experiencing homelessness in Arizona. Explore ways you can help below.
Donate Goods
- Hygiene supplies: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer/soap, deodorant
- Cleaning supplies: disinfectant wipes or spray and towels, dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent, brooms and dustpans
- Diapers (sizes 2-5) and wipes
- Gift cards to grocery stores
- Serve as co-sponsor volunteers with a newly arrived refugee family
- Help with yard work for older adults
- Set up a packing day at one of our offices to prep materials
- Create breakfast or snack bags for I-HELP or asylum seekers
- Schedule a webinar or presentation for your group
- Schedule a virtual tour
- Help your congregation register to vote
- For children, parents, and teachers navigating school through transitions
- For comfort for isolated older adults
- For refugee families who had to leave loved ones behind
- For people experiencing homelessness
“LSS - “Let’s Smile and Serve” as we roll up our sleeves!”
Questions? Call us at (602) 769-1305