Make a difference with your congregation
There are many ways to do social ministry. Here are four opportunities to make a difference with your congregation for refugees and immigrants, families in foster care, older adults, and people experiencing homelessness in Arizona. Explore ways you can help below.
Hygiene supplies: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer/soap, deodorant
Cleaning supplies: disinfectant wipes or spray and towels, dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent, brooms and dustpans
Diapers (sizes 2-5) and wipes
Gift cards to grocery stores
Serve as co-sponsor volunteers with a newly arrived refugee family
Help with yard work for older adults
Set up a packing day at one of our offices to prep materials
Create breakfast or snack bags for I-HELP or asylum seekers
Help your congregation register to vote
For children, parents, and teachers navigating school through transitions
For comfort for isolated older adults
For refugee families who had to leave loved ones behind
“LSS - “Let’s Smile and Serve” as we roll up our sleeves!”
Questions? Call us at (602) 769-1305