Pima Meals on Wheels
A good meal, delivered with a smile!
Pima Meals on Wheels delivers nutritious meals to seniors in Pima County while making valuable daily health and safety checks on each recipient. The meals are low fat, low salt and meet one-third of the recommended dietary allowances.
At least 70% of older Americans are living with one or more ongoing health conditions. Good nutrition can help manage, prevent or even reverse common ailments. A year’s worth of home-delivered meals costs less than one day in the hospital.
Pima Meals on Wheels, a division of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, collaborates with the Pima Council on Aging to deliver nutritious meals to homebound individuals over the age of 60 who are residents of Pima County.
To receive meals you must be:
• A resident of Pima County (non-reservation)
• Age 60 or over or have a spouse who is age 60 or over
• Homebound
• Unable to attend a Senior Center Congregate Meal Program
• Unable to obtain or prepare adequate meals
• Able to feed yourself
• Able to safely store and heat meals
• Home when meals are delivered or able to contact the program in advance
Arrange your home-delivered meals in 3 easy steps!
If you think you meet the eligibility guidelines, call Pima Meals on Wheels at 520-514-7642 and let them know you are interested in receiving home delivered meals. Note: If you do not qualify for Pima Meals on Wheels, the Helpline worker will discuss other possible options.
The Helpline worker will verify your eligibility and schedule an in-home visit.
During this visit, Pima Meals on Wheels will explain how the program works and arrange to have meals delivered to your home.
A suggested contribution of $2.00 per meal is requested, but there is no fee for this program. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.
“After her husband passed away, Edna found herself dealing with deteriorating health alone. Her doctor referred her to Meals on Wheels. Her health began to improve shortly after she started receiving the nutritious meals. Not only was Edna able to gain some of the weight lost back and feel better, now she has a “friend” that visits her twice a week! She loves knowing someone will be there to check on her every Monday and Wednesday. Edna very appreciatively states “I love the food, I love the staff and I love Meals on Wheels!””
Contact Us
Pima County: (520) 282-0688