Neighbors In Our Midst

"As they neared Bethlehem, Mary's pains came upon her. 
Joseph turned aside to find room in the inn. There was no room. 
NO ROOM! Of course there was!
There was all the room in the inn, but nobody would give up a room.
And don't you in this congregation think you would have done better!
"We would have received him, taken care of him, changed his linen!"
That's what you say with the gift of hindsight.
Had you been there, you wouldn't have done anything better, and if you think you would, why haven't you done it for your neighbors when you have them in your midst?

- Martin Luther

The words of Martin Luther still challenge us today. So many needs. So much pain. So little room in the inn or our hearts. As Christmas comes again into our world we are reminded that God calls us to be a part of the everyday work of loving and serving today. Thank you for all you do to love our neighbors through your voices and actions that make Arizona the kind of place God envisions for all people.