LSS-SW Refugee Co-Sponsor Teams

Houses of worship and other community groups can welcome refugees to Arizona through a unique model known as Co-Sponsorship. Co-Sponsor Teams help with everything from furnishing apartments to making refugees more comfortable in their new community. This program allows volunteers to become “first friends” and cultural navigators to newly arrived refugees.

Co-Sponsor Teams can help families by supporting them as they learn English, help them get around the city for appointments, visit the library or grocery store together, or simply spend time together in their home sharing in a meal or conversation. Help refugees adjust to living in America by sharing your knowledge and experience.

It is a joy and a privilege to reach out and support our newest neighbors, and we hope you will join us as partners in service. Welcome a family of newly arrived refugees in your community and embark on a fulfilling journey with your congregation or community group. 

We ask for a minimum commitment of three months, up to 12 months. We recommend weekly visits at first, evolving to bi-weekly or monthly visits as refugees become more independent. You may determine your level of involvement based on your capacity and the needs of the family.

We provide training and will serve as a resource to you. Each team will need to have designated volunteer(s) with a fingerprint card during any visits where clients are present.

What is a co-sponsor Team?

A basic overview of how valuable Co-Sponsor Teams are.

Questions and Resources

Common questions and resources for starting your Co-Sponsor Team

Get Started

Ready to organize your Co-Sponsor Team? Click below to find out the next steps