Get Started

1. Please review the duties of a Co-Sponsor Team to see if you are a good fit.

2. Identify a leader of your Co-Sponsor Team who will be the main point of contact between LSS-SW and the team. 

3. Email to schedule a team orientation (virtual or in-person) where we will cover:

  • Our Mission

  • Refugee 101

  • Co-Sponsor Roles and Responsibilities

  • Steps in the Process

  • Expectations and Boundaries

  • Enabling vs. Empowering

4. All members will review and sign onboarding paperwork. Additionally, designate a few team members to receive a fingerprint clearance card. At least 1 person with fingerprint clearance must be present for every interaction with the refugee family or individual. (Fingerprint clearance cards typically take up to 2 weeks to process.).

  • For steps to obtain a fingerprint clearance card or background check, please click here.

  • For more information about the fingerprint clearance card, general background check, and central registry, please click here.

7. We will match your team with a refugee family! The first time you meet your family, a member of our team will join and help you to establish commitment goals for the match.

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